Originally Posted by MILK
Since you are talking carry, what do you think what would be a good carry for a woman? I know nothing about guns at this point but am researching... I will be taking the class in Feb, March.
I wish I had a good answer for you. I'm semi recent into firearms in general and got my CCW this past July. Best advice I can give is check out as many guns as you can at a good gun store. Figure out what round you're looking to carry. Figure out how many rounds you think you want to carry. Figure out if you want a semi-auto or a revolver. If you have friends that carry, see what they have and see if they'll let you shoot. I know none of this really narrows down anything, but it's all considerations to help narrow down. I can't really speak to revolvers because I've shot all of two, and neither were small. In semi-auto, Glock has a selection of subcompacts in various calibers and capacities. Springfield Armory has the XD subcompacts in 9mm and .40 cal. I looked at a PX4 subcompact as suggested in another thread, and it's a beauty of a gun. Of course, I love my Keltec PF-9. Ruger is releasing the LC9 which is very similar in dimension to the PF-9. Kahr has some nice looking subcompacts in a few sizes. How the feel in your hand will give you an idea of what works for you.
How's that for a long, drawn out, "I don't know" answer?