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Old 10-01-2013, 10:00 AM   #1
Ride Like an Asshole
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I read about it in one of the cycle mags... apparently it adds 5% to the power curve, but more importantly keeps the rider cooler and improves response in hot weather...
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Old 10-01-2013, 02:20 PM   #2
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From what I understand (and take this as what I've HEARD...not as fact...I'm sure Paul could dig long enough and find HARD facts), there's MANY reason for going this route.

Harley (corporate) couldn't mfg an engine like the 103 and torque it up for '14 with the bigger cam and put it under the cover of the ultra without doing SOMETHING.

They were already getting grief from ultra buyers when they went to the 96 because of heat. That's when they started installing electric fans to cool the back cylinder.

ALSO...in a unrelated note. The EPA has targeted Harley and their air cooled motors for quite some time. Air cooled motors run hotter and produce more pollutants. The intro of the V-rod was supposed to give them a stay of execution by having a water cooled bike in their lineup but as terrible sellers, they can't constitute enough sales to bring the averages up to what the EPA's requirements will be in the coming years (anyone seen that Aston Martin "smart car"? Kinda the same deal but with cars it's fuel efficiency)

apparently Harley is trying to slowly work their way into introducing WATER to their big sellers.

I would guess (speculate) that we'll see more than 50% of the models go total water cooled in the next few years.
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Old 10-01-2013, 02:52 PM   #3
Ride Like an Asshole
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I heard a lot of the decision was based on owner feedback...
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